
A curated list with all React Applications provided by AppSeed

This page contains all full-stack products crafted by AppSeed using a React frontend.

Full-stack version of React Material Dashboard, a premium design crafted by Creative-Tim now usable with multiple API Backend Servers: Node JS, Flask, Django. The UI comes with pre-configured JWT authentication powered by a Unified API Interface that makes this product compatible with more than one backend: Node JS, Flask, Django.

Full-stack version of Datta Able PRO, a premium design crafted by CodedThemes now usable with multiple API Backend Servers: Node JS, Flask, Django. Datta Able React is the most stylized React Admin Template, around all other admin templates in the market. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with fully developer-centric code.

Berry is developer-friendly & highly customizable React Admin Template based on Material-UI. This modern design comes with plenty of ready-to-use Material-UI components that will help you to build your site faster and saves your development time. The UI comes with pre-configured JWT authentication powered by a Unified API Interface that makes this product compatible with more than one backend: Node JS, Flask, Django (FASTapi coming soon).

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