Django Tabler
Admin dashboard generated by AppSeed in Django on top of Tabler Dashboard.
Tabler is a UI kit that speeds up the development process and makes it easier than ever! Built on the latest version of Bootstrap, it helps you create templates based on fully customizable and ready-to-use UI components, which can be used by both simple websites and sophisticated systems.
Codebase - Django Dashboard Boilerplate
UI Kit: Tabler Dashboard (free version)
SQLite Database, Django Native ORM
Session-Based Authentication, Forms validation
Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn/Nginx
Tabler Django - product page
Tabler Django - source code
Tabler Django - LIVE Demo
Support (Email and LIVE on Discord) for registered AppSeed users.
What is Django
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It’s free and open source.
Read more about Django Framework
How to use the App
Set up the environment - prepare your workstation for Django
Compile the sources - start this Django app in the local environment
App Codebase - how the project files are organized
Tabler UI Kit
Tabler is a UI kit that speeds up the development process and makes it easier than ever! Built on the latest version of Bootstrap, it helps you create templates based on fully customizable and ready-to-use UI components, which can be used by both simple websites and sophisticated systems.
Tabler Dashboard - more information provided by AppSeed
Tabler Dashboard - source code published on Github
Last updated