CoreUI React
Open-source React Dashboard crafted and released for free by the CoreUI Agency.
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Open-source React Dashboard crafted and released for free by the CoreUI Agency.
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CoreUI is an Open Source React Template meant to be the UX game changer. Pure & transparent code is devoid of redundant components, so the app is light enough to offer the ultimate user experience. CoreUI React Admin Template is delivered with a ready-to-use environment, so you don't have to waste time configuring the project. All build scripts and tools are ready to use out-of-the-box
CoreUI React - product page
CoreUI React - LIVE Deployment
CoreUI Open-source starters - a curated list with free resources that use CoreUI Design
Core Features - CoreUI React Admin Panel is compatible with Bootstrap, but Boostrap based components have been built from scratch as true React.js hook components (no jQuery dependencies).
React Hooks - All components in CoreUI React.js v3 are React hook components. For newcomers, Hooks are functions that let you “hook into” React state and lifecycle features from function components.
Easy to use - UI Components and Widgets are written with readability in mind, they are comparatively short and easy to understand. CoreUI React Admin Template is based on CoreUI Components Library with beautifully handcrafted UI Components designed by a team of our experienced designers.
To compile this React starter we need a decent Nodejs version (>= 10.x), GIT command tool, and a good network connection (packages installation might take a while).
Step #1 - Download CoreUI sources from the public repository
Step #2 - Install modules (via Npm or Yarn)
We can use Yarn as an alternative
Step 3 - Start the Core Template in development mode
If all goes well, we should see the CoreUI React template running in the browser:
Links & Resources
Free React Dashboards - a curated list published on Dev
More Open-source Dashboards provided by AppSeed