Full-Stack React Datta Able
Premium React Dashboard designed by CodedThemes, coded as a full-stack product by AppSeed
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Premium React Dashboard designed by CodedThemes, coded as a full-stack product by AppSeed
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Full-stack version of Datta Able PRO, a premium design crafted by CodedThemes now usable with multiple API Backend Servers: Node JS, Flask, Django. The UI comes with pre-configured JWT authentication powered by a Unified API Interface that makes this product compatible with more than one backend: Node JS, Flask, Django (FASTapi coming soon).
Full-stack React Datta Able - product page
Full-stack React Datta Able - LIVE Demo
To successfully compile and use the product, please make sure your workstation has the right tools installed and accessible in the terminal window:
Node JS 12.x version (or above) - used to build both parts (frontend & backend)
GIT versioning command-line tool - used to clone the sources from Github
Ability to work in the terminal window
The product aims to help developers skip over the basics and start faster a new full-stack product already enhanced with authentication, a pixel-perfect UI powered by production-ready backends. The fact that makes this full-stack product unique is the JSON-API compliance over multiple servers:
****Node JS API: Typescript, Flexible persistence (SQLite, Mongo), TypeORM, Validation
Django API: JWT Authentication over DRF, SQLite, Docker
Flask API: powered by Flask-JWT-extended, SQL-Alchemy, Docker
Coming soon APIs: FASTapi, Laravel API
By default, the UI redirects the guest users to the login page. Once the user is authenticated, all private pages are unlocked.
Implemented JWT Authentication Flow: Login, Logout, Register.
Full-stack React Material Dashboard is built using a two-tier architecture where the UI is decoupled from the backend API server and communicates using requests secured by JWT tokens. The recommended way to start using this full-stack product is to follow a simple setup:
Step #1 - Build and start the backend server
Step #2 - Build and start the UI
Create a new user via the registration page
Authenticate and access the private pages
Add your magic on top of the existing codebase.
As mentioned before, the UI is configured to work with many backend servers that share a common API interface: Django, Node JS, Flask. Based on your license (free or commercial) the access is granted to the request API Server. On this page, we will compile and start the free version of Node JS API (open-source product).
Start Node JS API Server - open-source version
Step #1 - Clone the sources
Step #2 - Install dependencies via NPM or Yarn
Step #3 - Run the SQLite migration and create the required tables
Step #4 - Start the API server - development mode
The API interface used by the API is a simple JWT authentication layer that exposes the following methods:
: create a new user
: authenticate an existing user
: delete the associated JWT token
: check an existing JWT Token for validity
- edit the information associated with a registered user
At this point, the backend API should be & and running on address: http://localhost:5000
and we can move on with the setup and build the React UI.
The React Material Dashboard being a commercial product, a license is required before getting access to the source code. In case you don't have a license, please access the product page and purchase one.
Step #1 - Clone the project
Step #2 - Install dependencies via NPM or yarn
Step #3 - Start in development mode
The backend API server address is saved in
Official Product Information - Datta Able React is the most stylized React Admin Template, around all other admin templates in the market. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with **fully developer-**centric code.