What IS Panini

Short introduction to Panini

A super simple flat file generator for use with Gulp. It compiles a series of HTML pages using a common layout. These pages can also include HTML partials, external Handlebars helpers, or external data as JSON or YAML.

Panini isn't a full-fledged static site generator—rather, it solves the very specific problem of assembling flat files from common elements, using a templating language.


$ npm install panini --save-dev


Panini loads layouts, partials, helpers, and data files once on first run. Whenever these files change, call panini.refresh() to get it up to date. You can easily do this inside a call to gulp.watch():

$ gulp.watch(['./src/{layouts,partials,helpers,data}/**/*'], [panini.refresh]);


Path to a folder containing HTML partials. Partial files can have the extension .html, .hbs, or .handlebars. Each will be registered as a Handlebars partial which can be accessed using the name of the file.

<!-- Renders partials/header.html -->
{{> header}}


Path to a folder containing Handlebars helpers. Handlebars helpers are .js files that export a function via module exports. The name used to register the helper is the same as the name of the file.

For example, a file named markdown.js that exports this function would add a Handlebars helper called.

var marked = require('marked');

module.exports = function(text) {
  return marked(text);


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