Extended User Model

Learn how to code an extended user model in Flask

This page explains how to code an extended user model in Flask. Bsed on the code, a simple User model that manages only the authentication is enhanced with more features: Admin role, state (active & suspended), password strenght during the registration process

Topics covered

  • Starting from a simple starter

  • Enhance the exising User model with roles and state (users can be supended or active)

  • Add the new model UserProfile to manage other fields related to the user

    • address, phone number, Full name, website

  • CLI improvements

    • to manage and migarte the database

    • create admins

  • The UI changes

    • for ordinary users

    • for admins

Starting from a simple starter

The codebase used during the demostration is Flask Datta Able, a simple and open-source starter.

Enhance the exising User model

  • Add new fields

  • role, status, failed_logins

Add new UserProfile model

  • UserProfile table fileds

  • full_name,bio,address,zipcode,phone,email,website,image

CLI improvements

  • Used for database init & migration

    1. python manage.py db init (for create migrations)

    2. python manage.py db migrate (for apply migrations)

    3. python manage.py db create_admin (for create admin user)

    4. python manage.py db runserver (for run app)

relation with the parent (User model)

  1. ForeignKey realtion with UserProfile


  1. Create Userprofile(function name: create_profile_by_user)

  2. Delete Userprofile(function name: delete_profile_by_user)

Routing updates

  • /register (methods=['GET', 'POST'])

  • /login (methods=['GET', 'POST'])

  • /profile (methods=['GET'])

  • /user_list (methods=['GET'])

  • /edit_user (methods=['GET', 'PUT'])

  • /update_status (methods=['PUT'])

  • /email_exists (methods=['GET'])

  • /delete_user (methods=['DELETE'])

UI Changes

  • Bootstrap model

    1. edit button popup model (for edit users details)

    2. edit button popup model (for user profile details)

    3. validate the password strength using a bar colored from red (week password) to green (strong password).

    4. status update toggle button (Active/Suspend)

    5. user edit email check valid or not

    6. delete user display popup (Do you want to delte)

events front-end the backend

  1. onchange (for status update)

  2. onclick (for get user details and delete user)

  3. onSubmit (for form submit)

  4. onkeyUp (for check email exists or not)

events from the backend


FTP Server

  1. connect FTP server

  2. upload image to save FTP server

  3. save image url to db

  4. get image to saved image url

Last updated

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