Star Admin Template
Open-source Bootstrap template crafted by BootstrapDash.
Last updated
Open-source Bootstrap template crafted by BootstrapDash.
Last updated
Star Admin is a free responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 4. The template has a colorful, attractive yet simple and elegant design. The template is well crafted, with all the components neatly and carefully designed and arranged within the template.
Star Admin - product page hosted by BootstrapDash
Star Admin is packed with all the features that fit your needs but not cramped with components you would not even use. It is an excellent fit to build admin panels, e-commerce systems, project management systems, CMS or CRM.
To build Star Admin in a local environment, NodeJs, Yarn and Gulp must be properly installed and accessible in the terminal:
GIT - command line versioning command
NodeJS - version 10.x or above
Yarn - a modern package manager
Gulp - installed globally.
if you're not sure if the required tools are already installed, open a terminal and type the following commands.
Check NodeJs version/installation
Check Yarn version
Install Gulp globally
After installation, we can check the Gulp version using -v
Once the required tooling is accessible we can start compiling the Star Admin template.
Step #1 - Clone/download Star Admin source code
Step #2 - Install modules (dependencies)
Step #3 - Start the project
At this point, we can visit the app in the browser http://localhost:3000