Django Material Dashboard
Open-source template for Django admin section styled with Material Dashboard Design (free version)
Last updated
Open-source template for Django admin section styled with Material Dashboard Design (free version)
Last updated
Modern template for Django Admin Interface coded on top of Material Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5
design from Creative-Tim
Django Template Material - PyPi Page
Django Material Dashboard - free starter with the same design
Django Material Dashboard - LIVE Demo
Django Admin Material
Modern Bootstrap 5
Responsive Interface
Minimal Template
Easy integration
application to theINSTALLED_APPS
setting of your Django
file (note it should be beforedjango.contrib.admin
Collect static if you are in production environment:
Start the app
Access the admin
section in the browser:
Material Dashboard Theme -
Admin Section
Material Dashboard Theme -
Admin Widgets
Django Admin Material - Modern Admin Interface provided by AppSeed