Flask Dashboards
A curated index with Flask Dashboards generated and managed by AppSeed.
All products listed on this page are generated on top of a simple Flask Codebase enhanced with authentication, database, ORM, modular structure (Blueprints), and deployment scripts.
Flask Boilerplate Code - the reference code used for all Flask Dashboards
Flask Datta Able - open-source Flask starter
Flask Argon Dashboard - open-source product
Flask CoreUI - free Flask Starter
To see the full list please expand the "Flask Dashboards" side menu
Codebase Features
The codebase is fairly simple and was provided like this intentionally to help beginners (and not only) start faster a new Flask project. Here is the list with all features already implemented:
UI Ready - the design is already
Render engine: Jinja2 (Flask native engine)
DBMS: SQLite, PostgreSQL (production)
DB Tools: SQLAlchemy ORM, Flask-Migrate (schema migrations)
Modular design with Blueprints
Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, HEROKU
Flask - official website
What IS Flask - a comprehensive introduction
Flask Apps - index hosted on AppSeed platform
Last updated
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